Thursday, June 19

One Liner 6

This Tuesday I was writing a blog about how awkward it is when you are used to having chaotic working environment then suddenly the turmoil stops. True as it has been, since yesterday (Wednesday) it was like an outpouring of my boss’s anguish. It was as if she was counting all the free hours I had, then got it back from me in just one blow. Although that is an exaggeration, (wink) I’ve had worse. Everything is harder when it’s new. I had been working for 3 years and I got used to my work now.

While I was in havoc yesterday, and I was fast losing all my patience I remember an advice I usually give to my officemates. Happiness is a choice. I took a couple of deep breaths and tried to release the negative energies I had. By lunchtime, I was having conversations with my boss and I feel good.

One-liner for all of us struggling to find peace and order: Whatever doesn’t kill you really does make you stronger.

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